The Mount Vernon FFA Chapter gathered for its annual banquet on March 6, bringing together members, advisors, families, and community supporters to celebrate a year of hard work, growth, and success.
The banquet, held at Mount Vernon High School, provided an opportunity to recognize the outstanding achievements of members and reflect on the chapter’s accomplishments and recognize members’ achievements. The 200 plus Attendees enjoyed a meal, followed by an awards ceremony and the installation of the 2025-2026 chapter officer team.
Throughout the evening, members were recognized for their accomplishments in career development events (CDEs), supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs), and leadership roles within the chapter. Awards such as Star Greenhand, Star Chapter Farmer, and the honorary chapter degree were presented to deserving individuals who have demonstrated dedication and excellence in FFA activities.
A highlight of the night was the senior recognition, where graduating members reflected on their FFA journey and shared their plans after high school. Senior officers chapter reporter Emma Croghan and chapter president Ansley Daubenmier gave their retiring addresses. The senior students held a hanging of their FFA jackets that will be officially retired in May after their years of active involvement in the organization.
The evening concluded with the announcement and installation of the newly elected chapter officers, who will lead Mount Vernon FFA into another successful year.
The chapter will also hold a chapter banquet for the Middle School Chapter on March 19th.