People around the world have embraced various forms of martial arts, a practice believed to date back to 2000 BCE. Over time, individual martial arts styles have evolved, giving rise to diverse self-defense techniques. Today, there are 180 recognized styles of martial arts, each offering unique methods of combat. Among the most popular are Mixed Martial Arts, Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, and Kung Fu. These styles cover different fighting positions, allowing practitioners to combine ground fighting, grappling, and stand-up techniques.
Many people start practicing martial arts because of the influence of family members or friends. Miss Snow, for instance, has been practicing Taekwondo for several years, inspired by her father, who has practiced martial arts all his life. She also enjoys Kickboxing and Jiu-Jitsu, though she prefers Kickboxing for its effective combination of Taekwondo and Boxing techniques. While she appreciates Taekwondo, she is keen on dedicating more time to Jiu-Jitsu for its ground-fighting strategies.
Miss Hall began her martial arts journey at her father’s school and is now close to earning her black belt in Taekwondo. She also practices Bo Staff and Jiu-Jitsu, with a particular fondness for Bo Staff. “It’s not very practical but I really love using a Bo Staff. In other words, it just feels really cool.”
For Miss Hall, martial arts are not just about self-defense but also about enjoyment and personal growth. She is interested in Haidong Gumdo for its incorporation of weapons into training and Hapkido for its throwing techniques.
Mr. Huerte, who joined Taekwondo about a year ago, was introduced to martial arts by a friend from church. He values Taekwondo for its self-defense training and is also intrigued by Jiu-Jitsu, inspired by a classmate’s demonstration at school.
These individuals’ journeys into martial arts were influenced by friends and family, but their exploration didn’t stop at one style. They discovered which styles suited them best and pursued multiple disciplines, finding enjoyment and personal development along the way. With numerous martial arts styles available, there’s something for everyone. Start with one that fits you and expand your repertoire to create a personalized fighting style that works best for you.