Three Mount Vernon High School seniors have achieved the highest honor awarded by the Ohio Future Farmers of America (FFA). The Mount Vernon FFA members earned their State FFA degrees at this year’s 96th annual Ohio State FFA Convention. Ansley Daubenmier, Brock Blankenhorn, and Vivian Noble proudly received their State FFA Degrees, crossing the stage in their distinguished blue and gold jackets.
“It still feels unreal. It’s something I have looked forward to and worked for since joining the FFA 3 years ago. It’s not an easy process to earn it so I’m proud that I, along with two other FFA members,” said Noble.
To earn the State FFA Degree, students must complete community service hours, demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities, and be extensively involved in the FFA program. “Earning my State Degree as a third year FFA member was a significant accomplishment for me and has given me motivation to continue and move on to get my American Degree,” said Daubenmier.
The FFA is a national organization that promotes opportunities in the agriculture industry and helps students develop essential life skills. Noble highlighted these benefits: “My biggest takeaway from FFA would be the skills that I have gained such as public speaking and record keeping. Through FFA I have had to utilize many skills whether for competitions, our SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience), or in the classroom. The FFA is a great program to learn many valuable life skills that everyone can benefit from.”
Ansley Daubenmier is the Mount Vernon FFA chapter president for the 2023-24 school year, a member of the Knox County Junior Fair Board, and a three-year FFA member. Vivian Noble is the current chapter Vice President, a third-year Junior Fair Board member, and a four-year FFA member. Brock Blankenhorn is a four-year chapter member and also a participant in 4-H.
“Earning the FFA state degree was really cool and an accomplishment in which I am proud of. It takes lots of time and dedication to earn, so I feel it is well deserved. My biggest take away from FFA is no matter who you are or what you like to do there is something for you in the FFA it’s not just full of farmers, there is lots of diversity and many fun things to pursue,” said Blakenhorn.