In light of the upcoming elections regarding two hot button issues, the importance of voting in our country must be noted. In order for our government and our country to succeed, it is crucial that informed citizens provide their input on topics of interest.
For many high school seniors, this is their first opportunity to vote. While almost all U.S. citizens over the age of eighteen are eligible to vote, the impact of voters from Generation Z has been incredibly strong in previous elections. In the 2022 midterm elections, both chambers of congress were projected to have an uptake in Republican seats, but the results did not meet these projections, and surprisingly, the Democratic party still held the majority.
This was no coincidence, however. In projections, Gen Z voters were not considered, as historically, younger voters have never made a very large impact. This has changed recently, however, as Generation Z had 28.4% of eligible voters turn out, which is substantially larger than Millennial, Gen X, and Baby Boomer turnout when they were the same age.
This voter turnout does not seem to be a fluke, however, and many first time voters plan to make an impact in this election.
“I’m excited to be contributing to the country,” Mount Vernon senior Brady Kaufman said, “It’s important to vote just because we need to take part in the democracy we’re trying to run, otherwise it’s just going to be a lot of people that are just being negligent on issues that need to be addressed, and it’ll fall apart.”
“I like that I’m voting on actual issues for my first time instead of voting for politicians,” added senior Tucker Tooley, “I like to contribute to democracy to the specific side of democracy rather than just the liberties that people tend to focus on and take for granted.”
With new voters, the results that have become patterns in years past could possibly change to reflect new generational ideals, but if young voters do not continue to come out and vote, then the ideas will stay the same.
“Democracy relies on young people who buy into the idea that we have to work for this and it’s important that they participate because that is the work of democracy,” David Caldwell, Mount Vernon High School’s head of the social studies department shared.
While it is important that young people vote, it is equally important that older generations vote as well. Without variety in voter perspectives, the government would be an echo chamber where nobody would see any new or different ideas, which is the beauty of democracy. Since such a broad variety of people are represented, new ideas are presented all the time, resulting in a constantly changing political landscape.
“There is a difference between generations, I mean of course we have the stereotypes between baby boomers and us how we’re drastically different in our opinions but I think now that we’re incorporating our different ideas, that way we’re actually able to sway a little bit more in multiple directions compared to now where we’re kind of weighed down on one end,” Kaufman said.
Voting is an essential part to a functional democracy, and it is important to stress its importance whenever there are upcoming elections. This election will take place on November 7th, with polls open form 6:30 in the morning until 7:30 in the evening.
Any Mount Vernon High School student who is already eighteen or will be during the school year is encouraged to see either Mr. Caldwell or Mr. Fetters in order to fill out voter registration forms.
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