Are you creative? Vedette is ready to collect and display your creative work in our first showcase of the year on the theme: FOOD! Collection opens up next week. See the graphic below for details.
Watch for an email from Mrs. Krabill at the end of the week for the Vedette Classroom code and showcase submission form. Both students and staff can submit to showcases.
Other Vedette news:
Membership: You are welcome to join us / check Vedette out. The club meet every Thursday, except the first one of the month in my room (Krabill, 253, next to the cafeteria) from 2:40-3:45ish. They always have snacks! Our webpage.
Magazine Contest: They be collecting submissions to consider for publication in November. There’s no theme. They want your best work. Watch for more details next month.
-Students received this email from Mrs. Krabill